1st FleX-RAY progress meeting

December 17, 2020

Our FleX-RAY journey began in September, launching with the kick-off meeting. Next, all the partners gathered once more for our first progress meeting in December.

The discussion touched upon each of the consortium members’ progress during the first three months. The presentations started with the University of Sheffield analysing detector modelling. Then, FHHI discussed 3D shape sensing development, and RISE focused on scintillating fibre manufacturing. Additionally, TWI Hellas elaborated on hardware development while FHHI shifted attention to project dissemination and exploitation matters. The partners also discussed administrative issues and addressed potential project risks to ensure adequate time and task management. Last but not least, the consortium also agreed on forthcoming actions to be taken and arranged the next progress meeting.

Things will be getting more exciting as project time passes, so stick around for future FleX-RAY updates.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 899634.